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A Peace of Advice

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A vicious squall invaded the marshes with a swift, relentless charge. Its forces were strong as they were cold, succumbing the long blades of grass both with fierceness and frosty might. The battle was never even fought for the field lay open in all directions, exposed to any whimsy conqueror of the North. Somewhere in the far distance, one of the few tors had to be rising amidst the moors providing a glimmer of hope to lost travellers; still its silhouette was indiscernible as no indication of its alleged presence could be detected. To those seasoned in the region the present situation would undoubtedly have posed a perilous challenge. To the bent-down figure wrapped in a tattered burlap cloak, it was surely going to be an end. The man staggered on his feet, putting strenuous effort into each wavering step, pushing on against all odds, advancing a painstaking inch at a time. The heath underneath was the only source of solace to the weary fellow. It carpeted his footfall and assuaged the pain from many hours of walking. Intent indeed he was, albeit but a yard further into the moor, he was already on his knees, unable to continue. Sprawled on the ground with determination and courage depleted, he looked as if beckoning his final hour to come. At this very moment his eyes rested on a darker blob quite near to the south. Was it a mirage summoned by exhaustion or an untimely trickery of a mischievous leprechaun? Whatever it was, he headed towards it, hope revived.

The next hour saw him inside an unimposing country inn, sitting at a wooden table, finally able to put down the hood of his cloak and catch his breath.

“You look like you need a pint, or two actually!” a merry voice said.

The traveller looked up to see the grinning face of a bald man with a grizzly beard.

“I need to know where I am.”

“Why? Are you looking for a particular place to be?” the inn keeper continued.

“Aren’t we all? I set out to find a place where all are at peace. Is that such a place?” The blue eyes of the man harboured sarcasm that could not be mistaken. Indeed, the brawls coming from the tables around had surely answered that question way before it was asked.

“I am still going to pour you a pint, who knows, you might find some peace at the bottom of your stein.” A hearty laugh accompanied the inn keeper as he busied himself with settling a fervent dispute at a nearby table.

“A pointless fanciful quest in a time when money is cherished best….” – an old man remarked as he sat next to the traveller. Unbidden, yet somehow beguiling that stranger was, with grey eyes and a mellow voice, a mixture of intimidation and enchantment.

“I come from a place where value is just what one pays                                                   and nothing ever stops for it is seen as a waste!” the younger man responded following suit.

“Ahaha, a match it seems that I might have met,                                                             dare you humour me, or am I seen as a threat?”

“I fear not people with words that rhyme                                                                             For I understand verse perfectly fine.                                                                                   I do have to admit that I am tired and not up for a game or fight…                                       So, excuse me, but I will retire for the rest of the night.”

The stranger smiled and raised his eyebrows quizzically. His countenance suggested contentment with the response he got. Contrary to expectation he did not insist on continuing the conversation, nodded amiably and rose from the chair. Just then, the traveller sighed and grasped his arm.

“Not so long ago, I felt trapped, despondent, and completely lost. Friends and family were hectically achieving the all-important goals that I could see no real substance behind. Promotions, more and more money, hoarding object after object…. I buried myself in reading, attempting to escape the reality that was beginning to feel less and less real to me. And then I met a man, quite like you. He told me to find a place where peace reigns and then I will truly be happy and find myself. So, I set off in search of that evasive place.” The man stopped his story to take a gulp of his beer. Rejuvenated he changed the tone to his companion’s content.

“I roamed north, up to the Arctic colds, but all I found was stone-cold logic in practical strongholds. I then treaded south, down to the hottest dunes of golden sands, only to uncover chaotic passion on unruly grounds. I ventured west; deep into traditions dived, and experienced all manners of decorum and rituals contrived. East was all that I had left; peace was certain to be one of their secrets so well kept. Alas, restlessness galore was all around; an eagerness to explore and invent some more. So, my journey took me to this windy land, where I hope to find a helping hand. Or more so, a voice of wisdom, a guiding light, a new direction, even just an explanation would suffice.”

“Reason, emotion, culture and a hunger to know all, they reside within each and every soul. You needn’t have travelled so far and wide, only to ascertain what your heart already knows deep inside. The world as we know it is never at rest, for it is only human to move on forward to accomplish our best.”

“But then where is this kingdom of peace without which my search for happiness cannot possibly cease? Is it in the unity of all four: reason, emotion, culture and hunger to know all? What do we harbour and harness them for, is it inner peace that I have with their help to restore?”

“No. Not really, though it does sound nice. You should know your heart if that’s what you mean, but don’t forget conflict is what brings resolutions about; problems are what inspire us to overcome infinite doubt. Progress is not the child of peace; evolution is what should never surcease. Being human implies searching, doubting, never quite content… your lot you should not so passionately resent.”

“Peace then, I shall never find!”

“It’s here,” said the old man pointing all around. “The idea of it, its symbolic mark, is what motivates one to continue to fight. Can it be held, contained or boxed in? Certainly not, for it is something humans cannot truly attain, which does not take away any of its valuable gain. It is a concept as infinite as the bright stars above, and as captivating as the notion of pure love. The idea of peace grasps our hearts and minds alike, pushes us forward, out of zones of comfort and ready to strike. But we should never ever forget, it cannot really be ours, not on this Earth, however much we that may regret. Still, do not despair, my dear new friend; let me expound, and do not doubt that there is happiness to be found. For happy is each and every one who has stars in their eyes, drive in their heart, and who is ready to fight whatever monstrosity life at them happens to throw. And until we rest in eternal peace, let’s enjoy being human whatever our flaw.”

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