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When We Meet

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“How fare thee, my fair friend?” - He inquired peering gently into her eyes, with a smile delightful and overpowering like the surge of warmth after the first sip of an exhilarating morning beverage. It brought him immense pleasure to observe her pale lucidity vibrate with hues of radiant colours.

“No need for superfluous courtesy, is there?” – She promptly collected herself, albeit their scheduled meetings were long anticipated and much cherished. Her presence never gave any semblance of attachment away, though deep in her core, she knew she belonged with this titillating know-it-all.

The nonchalant breeziness of his question faded away to bring about heartfelt concern.

“Tired after your long shift? Was it a tormenting one?” – The sincerity in his tone soothed her and dispersed shadows that up until a moment ago had seemed impenetrable.

“It always is, isn’t it? That’s why I’d rather hear about your travels, they are never quite as bleak.” – Her voice was now serene, flowing like a mesmerising cataract. “Tell me about your last journey, did you come across a vestige of hope?”

“Hope?!? I do find hope in all that surrounds us, but most of all in each person I encounter. There was one in particular that I saw only a day ago. He was anxiously waiting at the train station amid thousands; the same as them, yet truly unique. A smart grey suit, a neat tie, a black leather briefcase – but still there was fire in his eyes, drive and motivation that one rarely sees anymore. Intent to conquer like a true war commander of the past, there seemed as if nothing could stand in his way…”

“I too met a man on a train last night. Downcast, despondent and glum, his eyes never lifted from the floor. Had it not been for the fragrant bouquet of tulips in his hands, I would never have given him a second glance. The colourful array did stand out next to the smoky sombre mess of clothes and attitude. Forgiveness for letting someone down was all the hope I could interpret in his eyes… Did you find any romance by chance?”

“I did see a young girl, slender and somewhat frail, sitting alone in a French café, with a string of purple hyacinth on top a notebook of fine handwritten words, and a cup of rose tea being her only companions.  Her hair loosely tied in a bun bared a tender bespectacled face of fair complexion. One could easily have just walked by impervious to her enchanting lavender gaze fixed on the vast expanse above. Plain and invisible to the common eye perhaps, she was the epitome of a romantic soul roaming the fields of the dream realms that remain invisible to the mere mortal pragmatists…”

“I too saw a young girl, getting ready for a night out. A little black dress accentuated the elegant frame but like the heaviest of blankets covered her true essence. Soft brushes had painted an impeccable masterpiece of glitter and sparkles on her face, yet her eyes had sunk, hollow with convention. Few would walk by without noticing the physique, still feigned smiles and broken promises were all the romance the night had to offer… Did you at least witness some true harmony?”

“That I most certainly did! In the park at teatime, I saw an elderly couple strolling hand in hand. The luscious green carpet dappled with a rainbow of delicate petals ran along their way. The cherry trees bathing in profusion of subtle blossoms overhead provided a much needed shade. No words were said, no words were needed to convey love that had withstood the trials and tribulations of life and now rejoiced in harmonious tranquility…”

“I too saw an elderly couple, at dinner in a dimly lit apartment. They had their food in silence and later each went to their separate room so as not to disturb the other with their own doings. Harmony was evasive for throughout the years quite a few regrets, could-have-beens and what-ifs had accumulated, traces of which were present on both faces, imprinted on both hearts…”

“Why such disillusioned endings?” – He suddenly interjected with a tangible discontent.

“So that your beginnings can become all the more stimulating and eagerly awaited.” – The Moon added as she waved her unrequited love yet another goodbye.

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